Fan Girl Moments!


Matt Smith playing Dr. Who (Season 7 Part 2) Source: Fanpop

I have some very exciting news to share with everyone! I recently landed an amazing internship and got accepted to become the official fan girl of Dr. Who on Fangirlish!

I’m a huge Whovian so having another outlet to geek out over Dr. Who’s story, characters, and cast will be so much fun! OK, I promise not to continuously use exclamation marks throughout this entire post (though it will be hard…). I love the idea of being part of a larger blogging community. It will be so fun.

Now my other amazing news, which is more closely related to writing. I am now interning for Gennifer Albin, author of CREWEL (helping with the Crewel twitter account, setting up events for her, things of that nature). It’s a great way to see the inner workings of the publishing world and what happens when a writer can make their writing a career. Plus, Albin is an amazing writer so just getting to work with her will be a great experience.

I don’t really have much more to say, since I just started the internship and have yet to post on Fangirlish. But I’m so excited.